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School Best Institution to Curb Crime – Holness

November 25, 2008

The Full Story

Minister of Education, Andrew Holness, has said that the school is the best institution to tackle crime, by adequately preparing youngsters for progress and prosperity.
“The school is the place where the community, the church, the private sector, and Government invest with one objective – to produce better people. As Minister, I set myself the target of ensuring that all our children have access to the education system because if we don’t build the education sector, violence and aggression with a brutish nature, will continue,” the Minister stated.
He was addressing a recent function at the Christiana Leased Primary School in Manchester, where a new block was opened.
Minister Holness, in his remarks, urged parents and guardians to invest in the education of their children, and provide support to school administrators as they seek to make the classrooms more learning-friendly.
“Parents, even if you can’t read and write, don’t pass it on to your children. From the earliest years, expose them to printed materials. Let them look at the pictures in the books, and there they will start learning their ABC. Work along with the teachers to ensure that your child develops competency in literacy,” Minister Holness urged.
He said that the Ministry is committed to giving teachers the necessary support to help children, who are challenged, especially those at the primary level.
“Primary education gives you the basic tools necessary to utilize and unlock future knowledge, that is why a child will no longer go on to high school unless they have mastered the basic competency at primary school,” he stated.
The new block at Christiana Leased Primary includes five classrooms, and two multi-purpose rooms that are all disabled-friendly.

Last Updated: November 25, 2008

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