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Rio Nuevo Community Launches Neighbourhood Watch

January 19, 2005

The Full Story

Residents of the Rio Nuevo Battle Site community in St. Mary, have launched a neighbourhood watch to support crime-fighting efforts in the parish.
At the launching ceremony held on January 12 at the community park, Mayor of St. Mary, Robert Montague, said the neighbourhood watch served as an important security milestone in the vigorous and rapid development of Rio Nuevo.
He said the fight against crime was a continuous one and required the support of all parishioners. “We want the parish of St. Mary to be counted among the safest of parishes and that is why we (Parish Council) gladly welcome this new development.
“Our parish is one of a kind and despite the many problems we face, we have to see ourselves as overcomers in the struggle to protect our history,” he stated.
Meanwhile, the Mayor pointed out that St. Mary was home to many persons, who have received national and international recognition. These include Olympians Danny McFarlane and Aileen Bailey, while James Bond author, Ian Fleming, lived in the parish during the 1950s.
St. Mary, he noted further, “is the home of Jamaica’s first ice factory, home to Albion Estate and Castleton Gardens and we can say that we are blessed to live in such a wonderful place.”
The Mayor congratulated the citizens on their achievement and encouraged them to cooperate with the police as they continued to live in unity as a community.

Last Updated: January 19, 2005

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