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Review of Integrity Commission Bill to be Completed

By: , February 20, 2015

The Key Point:

Completion of the Joint Select Committee’s review of the Integrity Commission Bill is one of several key legislative engagements slated to be undertaken during 2015/16.

The Facts

  • This was announced by Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, while delivering the Throne Speech, under the theme: ‘Partnership for Development: Inclusive Growth…Expanding Opportunities’, during the 2015/16 State Opening of Parliament on February 19.
  • The Governor-General advised that the legislation seeks to establish a single anti-corruption agency with investigatory, information-sharing, and prosecutorial powers.

The Full Story

Completion of the Joint Select Committee’s review of the Integrity Commission Bill is one of several key legislative engagements slated to be undertaken during 2015/16.

This was announced by Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, while delivering the Throne Speech, under the theme: ‘Partnership for Development: Inclusive Growth…Expanding Opportunities’, during the 2015/16 State Opening of Parliament on February 19.

The Governor-General advised that the legislation seeks to establish a single anti-corruption agency with investigatory, information-sharing, and prosecutorial powers, “while including important checks and balances to ensure procedural fairness for those under investigation.”

Meanwhile, three strategic Bills aimed at strengthening the Local Government framework are also scheduled to come before Parliament.

These are the Local Governance Act; Local Government (Unified Service and Employment) Act; and Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act.

The Governor-General advised that, collectively, they aim to “reaffirm” the Government’s commitment to a modern system of Local Government, “to deepen our democracy and bring it closer to the people.”

These should underpin the Municipalities (Validation and Amendment) Act, passed during 2014/15, which served to enhance the Councils’ operational efficiency.

“This legislation ensures that municipalities have effective leadership and decision-making authority,” the Governor-General informed, adding that “legislation to enshrine Local Government in the Constitution will also be debated.”

Additionally, the National Building Bill, which aims to provide a modern legal framework for the effective regulation and management of building works and related activities, will also be tabled.

Last Updated: February 20, 2015

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