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Retired Nurses Urged to Serve as Watchdogs for Children’s Rights

December 13, 2006

The Full Story

Children’s Advocate, Mary Clarke, has called on retired nurses to serve as watchdogs for children rights, by reporting breaches of the broadcasting code, especially as it related to material that may harm children.
Mrs. Clarke, who was addressing the 10th annual luncheon of the Retired Nurses Special Interest Group of the Nurses Association of Jamaica (NAJ), held yesterday (Dec.12) at the Alhambra Inn on Tucker Avenue, said it was important that children were protected from violence and sexually explicit scenes on television.
“There is a code of broadcasting where they (media houses) are not to show certain programmes at times when children are around to watch. Some are finding it a little challenging to abide by the code. I want you to be watchdogs for us; I want you to call the Broadcasting Commission, where you think there is a breach,” she stated.
According to the Children’s Advocate, the society must do more “to rescue our children as the more violence they watch, the more de-sensitized they become to violence, and the more prone they are to violence. The more sex they watch, the more their desires grow and their desire to try it out and experiment”.
She further encouraged the retired nurses to pass on the necessary values and attitudes that were necessary for children to survive in today’s society.
“I want you to pass on those values to our young (people). When you see them getting out of hand.stop them and talk to them when you see them getting loud and crude and misbehaving,” Mrs. Clarke said.
The Retired Nurses Special Interest Group participates in activities of the NAJ, which are geared towards the upliftment of nurses, the profession of nursing and ultimately the national welfare.

Last Updated: December 13, 2006

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