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Respect the Legacy of the Forefathers – GG

March 26, 2012

The Full Story

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, has called on the nation to respect the legacy of the forefathers and the foundation they have laid for nation building, even while embracing the future.

The Governor-General, who was addressing a luncheon meeting at the Hilton Rose Hall Hotel on Thursday (March 22), following a tour of the parish, said “the work that our forebearers have put in, their attitude and relationships, their hopes, determination to leave something for posterity, should never be missed by this generation."

He noted that with technology and the fast pace of activities today, it is easy to focus on instant results and forget the foundations that generate these results.  “We must be careful that we do not forget the people who have mentored us, and have built the places that we now inhabit,” he stated.

The Governor-General noted further that studies have shown that technological advances and the gadgets that come with them can cause humans to become less competent at communicating with each other, which can negatively impact the quality of human interaction.

He said that everything possible should be done to preserve personal relationships that have been established, as they are essential for human development.

The Governor-General further encouraged the present generation to strive to leave the places they now occupy better than how they found them, and to measure success not only by what is visible, but also by the obstacles that are overcome to achieve results.

Turning his attention to the crime situation, Sir Patrick said Jamaicans “must do everything possible to contain the monster of crime and violence, and reduce that as much as possible."

He stated that crime and violence have the potential of reducing the quality of relationships and disrupting economic and social stability.

He made a call for all Montegonians to assist in strengthening the community institutions, such as the home, the church, the schools and other community structures, so that they can assist in playing a significant role in molding the lives of the youth, and inculcate in them, sound values.

The luncheon meeting included justices of the peace, lay magistrates, representatives from the judiciary, and members of the business sector in St. James.


By Bryan Miller, JIS Reporter

Last Updated: July 30, 2013

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