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Residents of St. Ann Put Work into Labour Day

May 23, 2006

The Full Story

Residents of St. Ann turned out in their numbers this morning (May 23) to participate in various community clean-up and beautification works, as the parish marked National Labour Day 2006.
A total of 25 projects were registered in the parish and the scope of work included the cleaning of drains, river training activities, the painting of bus shelters and pedestrian crossings, bushing of sidewalks, and planting of flowers and trees, among other activities. The parish project is the beautification of Lawrence Park in St. Ann’s Bay.
Arthur Hosang, Superintendent of Roads and Works at the St. Ann Parish Council, who was on location at Lawrence Park, told JIS News that the work to be undertaken during the day, would include the refurbishing of the water fountain, general cleaning up of the area, landscaping and the planting of flowers and trees.
“It is also proposed after Labour Day, to construct chain-linked fencing on the eastern boundary, that is, from the main road at Windsor to the stage in the vicinity of the Cool Oasis service station,” he said, noting that this would help to secure the area.
He noted that, “Lawrence Park was selected as the parish project primarily because of its importance during the days of the CARIFESTA (Caribbean cultural festival). A concrete stage was constructed and since then, it has been used for numerous activities.”
Mr. Hosang commended those who turned out to assist in the project and appealed to the users of Lawrence Park to take good care of the facility.
The service clubs in the parish also put work into Labour Day, with members the Kiwanis Club of Ocho Rios repainting the pedestrian crossing in the vicinity of the Ocho Rios food market.
President of the club, Weston Lee, told JIS News that the Kiwanians were happy to undertake the project, which would ensure the safety of school children as well as other pedestrians.
Meanwhile, by mid-day, work was in high gear in the parish capital, where the members of the Optimist Club of St. Ann’s Bay were repainting two pedestrian crossings on Main Street.
“Some of our members have been out since 6:00 a.m. and some were actually here from 5 o’ clock this morning”, said club president, Jennifer Brown-Cunningham.
She told JIS News that, “we painted one pedestrian crossing at the St. Ann Parish Library and we are here now doing the second one and as soon as we are through here, we will be going up to the Windsor Girls Home to help with their beautification project.”
National Labour Day 2006 is being observed under the theme: ‘Jamaica’s Beauty – Our Duty’.

Last Updated: May 23, 2006

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