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Regional Consultations on Local Government Reform End

February 8, 2007

The Full Story

The regional consultations to facilitate discussion and garner feedback on the National Advisory Council’s (NAC) report on local government reform ended on Tuesday (Feb. 6), with a meeting of stakeholders from the parishes of St. Ann, St. Mary and Portland.
“This is the final of our consultations with the main stakeholders, which are parish councils, parish and community development committees, special interest groups such as the private sector and also the Social Development Commission, which is one of our main partners in promoting this programme,” said Keith Miller, Consultant on Local Government Reform in the Ministry of Local Government and the Environment.
Mr. Miller, who spoke to JIS News at the meeting held at the Hibiscus Lodge in Ocho Rios, informed that invitations would be extended for groups other than the main stakeholders, to respond to the report as well.
“We’ll be having consultations with special interest groups such as youth and women and with some specialized community groups and we’ll also be inviting the public at large to look at the report and to make their own comments and responses to the recommendations,” he said.
Copies of the report will be posted on the internet and will be made available at parish councils, parish libraries and other public places.
Meanwhile, Mr. Miller noted that previous discussion sessions were well attended and the response from the targeted groups was overwhelming.
“There has been a very strong call for quick action in implementing the recommendations. There has been a general support for these recommendations and the greatest concern is how quickly they can be implemented and that has really been the focus,” he told JIS News.

Last Updated: February 8, 2007

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