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Real Estate Practitioners Urged to Pay Close Attention to Customers

By: , March 29, 2023
Real Estate Practitioners Urged to Pay Close Attention to Customers
Photo: Contributed
Manager of the Inspectorate of the Real Estate Board/Commission of Strata Corporations, Akeil Pladley, is urging real estate practitioners to pay close attention to customers who enlist their services.

The Full Story

Real estate practitioners have been urged to pay close attention to customers who enlist their services, especially those who reach out virtually.

This follows mounting concerns of unscrupulous persons engaging salesmen and dealers under false pretense, when in fact they are carrying out fraudulent activities.

“If you are not careful, you can get caught up in this type of situation. There are times when you may request a document from a non-face-to-face client and they will get it notarised, but the notary public and tax registration numbers that are on the document are fake,” Manager of the Inspectorate of the Real Estate Board/Commission of Strata Corporations, Akeil Pladley, said.

He was speaking on March 27, day one of a three-day webinar series being hosted by the REB.

Mr. Pladley said this is one of the ways persons with nefarious intentions have been engaging real estate practitioners to sell properties or conduct other business activities.

For this reason, he underscored that it is important that practitioners carry out the necessary customer checks to ensure the legitimacy of each transaction.

Individuals are also encouraged to report these illegal activities to the authorities.

The Manager noted that each practitioner in the respective real estate areas also has a responsibility to assist the REB in protecting the industry’s reputation.

The webinar is intended to update professionals on industry-related changes and improvements in the Board’s operations.

It also doubles as customer stakeholder sessions, where attendees provide feedback to the REB on ways it can enhance its services.

The REB is the government agency responsible for regulating Jamaica’s real estate industry.

Last Updated: March 29, 2023

Jamaica Information Service