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Quiet Revolution Brings Renewed Hope for Jamaica

January 11, 2010

The Full Story

A respected minister of religion, who works in inner-city communities, is pointing to what he calls a “quiet revolution” taking place in the country, which brings renewed hope for the country’s future.
Bishop Dr. Peter Morgan said that Jamaicans in the inner city are part of this quiet revolution, which is being facilitated in the main by the church and state social intervention agencies, with assistance from the business community.
“It is what I call transformation in process. It’s not always discernible, but is unmistakably optimistic in its drive to create a renewed people and the rebirth of a nation. There is a momentum, which is creating a new kind of mindset or a paradigm shift in the minds of our people. The sensitivity of conscience that is rising up makes me declare that there is in fact a stream or river that is running, and which we may call the quiet revolution,” he stated.
He was speaking at a recent fundraiser in Toronto organised by the Jamaican Diaspora Canada Foundation (JDCF), which will benefit children of the inner-city communities of Southside and Rose Town in Kingston.Bishop Morgan, who works closely with the Southside community, said that Jamaicans are gravitating towards “leaders of integrity, leaders of courage, leaders who believe in a transformational way forward for our country.”
Citing excerpts from Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen’s ‘I Believe’ speech at his installation ceremony in February 2009, Bishop Morgan said the words of the Head of State were revolutionary.
“The Governor-General said the words ‘I Believe’ must be etched in every classroom, the screensaver on every computer and cell phone. ‘I Believe’ must be internalised in the heart of every student, until dreams are born as to who they can become and the contribution they can make to the development of their nation. It must be the theme in the morning papers and the optimism of the evening news, until the waves wash away our shame and we evolve into a nation destined for greatness,” he stated.
Prime Minister, the Hon. Bruce Golding, in a message read by Consul at the Jamaican Consulate General, Nigel Smith, commended the JDCF on its “fire of patriotism and commitment to Jamaica’s development and people”.
The Prime Minister said Jamaica requires “a collaborative and co-operative effort on the part of all stakeholders to place it on the path to sustained growth and development,” and called on the JDCF to partner with Jamaica in “a more concerted way in order to yield greater success.”
President of the JDCF, Sharon Ffolkes-Abrahams thanked the audience for supporting the fundraiser.
“We are planting a seed for all the children of Jamaica and we thank you for sharing our dream and vision. We must continue to support these children. It is our responsibility to ensure that their future is secured,” she stated.

Last Updated: August 20, 2013

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