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Public urged to read report on proposed reforms to electronic media

February 18, 2011

The Full Story

Commissioner of the Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica (BCJ), Elaine Wallace, is urging the public to become familiarised with the recommendations in the Electronic Media Regulatory and Policy Framework Consultation report.

She said that the report, available at the BCJ’s website: www.broadcastingcommission.org proposes new policies for the regulation of the electronic broadcasting sector, and to improve the service provided to the public.

“We have generated recommendations as to some of the changes that would bring these kinds of improvements that we want to see taking place to the sector and to the services that you receive,” she said.

“Read the report and read the recommendations that are there, which we have by now advised the (Information) Minister and Government about,” she urged.

Ms. Wallace was speaking at a stakeholders’ meeting held recently at St. Ann’s Baptist Church Hall, St. Ann.

The event was one in a series of island wide meetings, organised by the BCJ, to update the public on significant initiatives, including broadcast content standards, digital television switchover, and upcoming legislative changes for the industry.

Ms. Wallace said that among the key objectives of the recommendations contained in the report, is to make the Broadcasting Commission “more responsive to the development in media and to the changing environment."

“In the reforms, we are seeking to have some of the things that we are authorised to do, to be more forceful in terms of how we would be able to regulate the sector. So we are making recommendations for us to be strengthened in that regard,” she said.

Additionally, the Commissioner said recommendations have been made to deal with the practise of payola and to further protect children, in terms of what they are exposed to, or persons who have been engaging in traumatic experiences,” she said.

The Commissioner said the BCJ had received complaints about the interviewing of children at accident scenes by media personnel and the showing of bodies at tragedies.

“So, we are looking also at that human side in terms of what we present as content in the media,” Ms. Wallace added.

The series of island wide meetings conclude on April 1. The next session is scheduled for February 25 at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston.



Last Updated: August 12, 2013

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