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Public Sector Transformation should begin after Budget Debate

April 1, 2010

The Full Story

Cabinet has concluded preliminary discussions with the Public Sector Transformation Unit (PSTU) on its initial recommendations for the restructuring of Government ministries, departments and agencies.
The announcement was made by Minister with responsibility for Information Telecommunications and Special Projects, Hon. Daryl Vaz, during the weekly Post Cabinet media briefing, at Jamaica House on Wednesday (March 31).
Mr. Vaz also stated that Cabinet is to give additional directive on this matter, after further review of the report which was submitted.
“The Prime Minister, yesterday, during Standing Finance Committee meeting, indicated that it is going well in terms of the pace. We are expected to give some directives, in relation to certain aspects of the recommendations, and take certain decisions,” Mr. Vaz added.
“I would expect that to be done probably at the next Cabinet meeting, based on the urgency and, ofcourse, some of the recommendations can be put in place and activated quite quickly and some will be longer term. But, I do know for sure that you should start seeing some of these recommendations being implemented shortly after the budget presentation,” he said.
The PSTU was set up in November, 2009 to review the processes of governance, with the aim of streamlining the public sector to make it more productive, efficient and cost effective.

Last Updated: August 16, 2013

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