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Public Sector Must Remain Committed to Customer Service

November 10, 2010

The Key Point:

Public sector entities are being encouraged to remain steadfast in their commitment to customer service excellence as their work directly impacts on the achievement of the nation's development imperatives and by extension the Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan.

The Facts

  • In an interview with JIS News, Acting Chief Standards and Monitoring Officer of the Public Sector Modernisation Division, Cabinet Office Michele Gordon-Somers stated that the public sector has a critical role to play in ensuring that Jamaica is able to reach developed country status by 2030.
  • "All the factors that will be required for Jamaicans to enjoy a high quality of life in 2030 are directly linked to services provided by public sector entities: good roads and other infrastructure, excellent education and health system, water supply, sanitation, housing, environmental management, etc," she outlined while insisting "we cannot afford to neglect the area of service delivery as we strive for developed country status and make Jamaica 'the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.'".

The Full Story

Public sector entities are being encouraged to remain steadfast in their commitment to customer service excellence as their work directly impacts on the achievement of the nation’s development imperatives and by extension the Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan.

In an interview with JIS News, Acting Chief Standards and Monitoring Officer of the Public Sector Modernisation Division, Cabinet Office Michele Gordon-Somers stated that the public sector has a critical role to play in ensuring that Jamaica is able to reach developed country status by 2030.

“All the factors that will be required for Jamaicans to enjoy a high quality of life in 2030 are directly linked to services provided by public sector entities: good roads and other infrastructure, excellent education and health system, water supply, sanitation, housing, environmental management, etc,” she outlined while insisting “we cannot afford to neglect the area of service delivery as we strive for developed country status and make Jamaica ‘the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.'”.

The Public Sector Modernisation Division plays a supportive role in ensuring that all public sector entities are functioning well in the National Customer Service Programme. The Unit provides sensitization to the Programme, and also conducts technical training workshops to assist entities to develop the required tools and techniques to implement mechanisms to manage their customer service programmes.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Gordon-Somers is reminding citizens that they have a very strong voice in determining how services are delivered to them by public sector entities. She noted that many of the entities have published Citizen’s Charters that outline the services that they offer, and the specific service standards for which they should be held accountable.

“Customers should make themselves aware of these standards and demand that the entities honour these service commitments that have been published. Customers should also realize that smooth service delivery requires a partnership between the client and the organization.

When organizations conduct surveys in order to ascertain the perceptions and satisfaction levels of customers, then customers should willingly participate and make their voices heard, so that service adjustments and improvements may be done in an evidence-based manner,” she explained.

One of the ways in which customers can make their voices heard and reward public sector entities for excellent service is through the 2010-2011 Public Sector Customer Service Competition. Persons can nominate entities from which they have received excellent service online at www.cabinet.gov.jm, call toll free at 1-888-991-2752 or complete nomination forms at public sector agencies island-wide.

The competition, which was first staged in 2001, is open to all public sector entities, including Central Civil Service, Executive Agencies, Public Companies, Statutory Bodies and Government Departments.

It aims to, among other things, recognise and reward public sector entities that remain committed to continuously improving service delivery to customers and encourage former winners to maintain and surpass their standards of service delivery, while motivating other entities to raise the bar.

The main categories include ‘Best Customer Service Entity’, ‘Most Improved Customer Service Entity’ and ‘Most Creative/Innovative Agency’.

Last Updated: February 24, 2020

Jamaica Information Service