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Public Sector Modernization Programme Receives $343 Million

April 15, 2006

The Full Story

The Public Sector Modernization Programme (PSMP) has been allocated $343.1 million in the 2006/2007 Estimates of Expenditure, to continue with the institutional strengthening of the Public Sector Reform Unit and the modernization of key ministries, among other things.
The project, funded by the Canadian International Development Bank and the Department for International Development (DFID) is to be implemented by the Office of the Cabinet.
Other objectives of the project include the establishment of new Executive Agencies, performance based institutions, and the modernization of the Cabinet Office.
Achievements of the project include; the completion of a Code of Consultation for the Public Sector, which involved the training of 52 officers in conducting and managing consultation; the training of 3,000 public sector employees in critical skills areas and the drafting of Capital Projects and Policy Prioritization Policy.
The project targets for 2006/2007 are Customer Service/Service Delivery, Resource Management and Accountability, and Human Resource and Change Management.
As it relates to Customer Service, modernization plans will be formulated for the Forestry Department, the Fisheries Division, the Cabinet Office, the Education and Youth Ministry, the Island Traffic Authority, the Justice Ministry, the Ministry of National Security, the Immigration and Passport Services Division, the Jamaica Fire Brigade, and the implementation of Financial Management Systems to support the transition to Accrual Accounting.
In terms of Resource Management and Accountability, it is expected that the strengthening of Strategic/Corporate Planning and Budget Processes as well as the Financial Management Framework will be achieved.
Human Resource and Change Management is expected to facilitate the development and implementation of the Performance Management and Appraisal System (PMAS) in selected Ministries, as well as the rationalization of human resource functions to include; the development of minimum rules, the implementation of legislative changes, re-orientation and training and the development of control mechanisms and audit functions.
There are also plans to operationalize the values and ethics framework, as well as implement a Human Resources Management Information System.

Last Updated: April 15, 2006

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