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Private Sector Urged to Support China-Caribbean Trade Fair

January 6, 2005

The Full Story

The staging of the China-Caribbean Trade Forum and Trade Fair in Kingston must be seen as an opportunity to foster economic development in Jamaica, and by extension the entire region, said Christopher Denny, Regional Manager, Retail Banking Division at the National Commercial Bank (NCB).
He is encouraging the private sector to get involved in the events for which the NCB has pledged its full support. “Since its acquisition by Michael Lee Chin, NCB, through initiatives like the Jamaica Education Initiative, is actively demonstrating its commitment to making Jamaica a better place for all of us,”Mr. Denny said.
“This is a specific opportunity for us to do that. It is not a situation where we can get an immediate turn-around on our investment in this particular initiative. It is something that we see as being very important and a very extraordinary opportunity for Jamaican businesses,” Mr. Denny announced at a recent JIS Think Tank.
To date, the NCB and the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPSCo) are the major sponsors of the events, which are being planned by the Port Authority of Jamaica. However, Robert Stephens, Chairman of the Trade Fair Planning Committee, has issued a call for even more private sector sponsorship, noting that the benefits to be derived would redound to not only their businesses, but also to the country. Interested companies are asked to contact the Port Authority of Jamaica.
“They have to get in touch with us and tell us what they are interested in doing and we work out a package with them because all of the sponsors’ requirements and demands must be considered. The branding exposure through media coverage and networking opportunities . will vary for each sponsor based on the level of sponsorship that they are putting up,” Mr. Stephens informed.
There are four types of sponsorship packages available – platinum, gold, silver and bronze. Platinum sponsors are those, who have pledged support to the value of $1 million and upwards. “Essentially they get branding opportunities on banners.throughout the show as well as before the show, they get exposure through the press/media and through television interviews.” explainedMr. Stephens.
Gold sponsors are those who have pledged support to the value of between $500,000 and $950,000, while silver sponsors contribute between $250,000 and $450,000. Bronze backers on the other hand make contributions of between $100,000 and $200,000.
The organisers are looking to “the major service providers such as those who can provide electricity, telephone, transport, banking or shipping services, or even major trading companies” to provide some form of sponsorship to the event.
“It [their sponsorship] could be in cash or kind but the equivalent will be worked out in cash…whatever the goods or services that will be provided, you would be allocated a certain level of sponsorship value,” Mr. Stephens further pointed out.
The China-Caribbean Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum and Trade Fair are scheduled for February 2 to 5, 2005 and are co-hosted by the governments of Jamaica and the People’s Republic of China.

Last Updated: January 6, 2005

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