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Prime Minister to attend African Union 50th Anniversary Summit in Ethiopia

By: , May 22, 2013

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller left the island on Wednesday, May 22, for Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, where she will attend the Special 50th Anniversary Summit commemorating the establishment of the Organization of African Unity/African Union.

The Summit is being held under the theme ‘Pan Africanism and African Renaissance’.

The Prime Minister will be accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Hon. A.J. Nicholson; Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, Ms. Onika Miller; Jamaican High Commissioner to Nigeria, Her Excellency Ann Scott; Ambassador Carlton Masters, Special Envoy to the African Union, and members of the Prime Minister’s Support Team.

The Prime Minister will deliver a keynote address to the Summit and in keeping with Jamaica’s foreign policy objectives, will use the opportunity to not only deepen relations with the African Union but also engage in bilateral talks aimed at furthering Jamaica’s growth and development agenda and mutual interests.

Jamaica is recognized for its stellar role in the Pan-Africanist Movement and its close relationship with Africa, built on ancestry history and shared principles.

This special African Union Summit will serve as a forum for high level exchanges toward strengthening those relations while allowing for the establishment of new partnerships. The Prime Minister will return to the island on Tuesday May 28th.

While off the island, Dr. the Hon Omar Davies, Minister of Transport, Works, and Housing will be in charge of the Government.

Contact: Communications Unit-OPM Tel: 926-0244 Fax: 920-4684
Email: opm.news@opm.gov.jm
Website: www.opm.gov.jm

Last Updated: July 30, 2013

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