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Prime Minister Simpson Miller Meets Delegation from China Construction & China Harbour

By: , October 13, 2015

The Key Point:

A delegation from China Communication & Construction Company (CCCC) and China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC) paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller on Tuesday, October 13 at the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Facts

  • The delegation was led by Mr. Sun Ziyu, Vice President of CCCC and included Mr. Wang Xiaofeng, General Manager of CHEC Americas Division.
  • Prime Minister Simpson Miller witnessed the signing of an extension to the Framework Agreement for the Development of a Transhipment and Logistics Facility in the Portland Bight Area.

The Full Story

A delegation from China Communication & Construction Company (CCCC) and China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC) paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller on Tuesday, October 13 at the Office of the Prime Minister. The delegation was led by Mr. Sun Ziyu, Vice President of CCCC and included Mr. Wang Xiaofeng, General Manager of CHEC Americas Division.

Following the courtesy call, Prime Minister Simpson Miller witnessed the signing of an extension to the Framework Agreement for the Development of a Transhipment and Logistics Facility in the Portland Bight Area. The Extension to the Framework Agreement was signed at Jamaica House on behalf of the Government of Jamaica by Minister of Transport, Works and Housing, Dr. the Hon. Omar Davies. President and Chief Executive Officer of the Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ), Professor Gordon Shirley, signed on behalf of the PAJ, while Mr. Sun signed on behalf of CCCC and Mr. Wang for CHEC.

A Final Framework Agreement was signed on August 5, 2014 between the Government of Jamaica, CCCC and CHEC to facilitate the completion of the requisite processes for the design, build, own, operate and transfer of a port and industrial and logistics facilities within the Portland Bight area.

During the period, CHEC has continued its due diligence and technical and economic feasibility processes and has been engaged in discussions with its prospective development partners.

It has been recognized that additional time is needed to facilitate the significant data gathering and analyses required.  Cabinet has approved the granting of an extension of 12 months with effect from August 1, 2015 for the process to be completed.

Last Updated: October 13, 2015

Jamaica Information Service