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Prime Minister Golding Returns Home Today from Washington D.C and New York

October 2, 2008

The Full Story

Prime Minister Golding left Washington this morning for home, following a hectic 10 day visit which saw him addressing the 63rd United Nations General Assembly, meeting and holding high level discussions with the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, the Organisation of American States and other US Government officials.
One of the highlights of PM Golding’s visit saw him meeting with Jamaicans in both New York and Washington D. C during which he updated them on all the social, political and economic issues affecting the country.
In one of his many interactions with Jamaicans in the Diaspora in New York, Prime Minister Bruce Golding took the time out to address a benefit luncheon for the Mustard Seed Communities. In his moving and emotional address, Mr. Golding called on Jamaicans in the Diaspora to support the efforts of the Mustard Seed Communities, noting that any money given is going to a cause that many persons are prepared to walk away from because of the special needs of those to whom the organization caters.
Repeating his call made at the United Nations, Mr. Golding noted that ‘the world has enough capital to lift every poor human being out of poverty, and sufficient abundance to empower people to become productive’. He suggested that the world was not channeling those resources to areas where they can produce real wealth. ‘Too much of those resources are colliding with each other on Wall Street and so there is a need to take a new approach to how the world manages its affairs. What Mustard Seed is doing, speaks to that need’, Mr. Golding told the capacity audience attending the benefit luncheon.
He noted that nothing is wrong with prosperity, providing it is honestly achieved and shared. ‘It is only when prosperity becomes a store of selfishness, where some people are used and held back and denied in order that prosperity can be used for others that it becomes wrong’, he said.
Father Gregory Ramkissoon, Founder of the Mustard Seed Communities was lauded for the unselfish contribution he has made through the organization and his ability to network and mobilize support for the project that caters to the needs of those considered to be human imperfections of society.

Last Updated: October 2, 2008

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