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Prime Minister Expresses Sadness on Sudden Passing of Athlete

By: , February 22, 2014

The Key Point:

Prime Minister the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller has expressed deep sadness at the untimely passing today of 18 year old St. Jago High School student
Prime Minister Expresses Sadness on Sudden Passing of Athlete
Photo: JIS
Leader of the Opposition, The Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, O.N., M.P.

The Facts

  • He collapsed after competing in a race at the NACAC Cross Country Event in Trinidad and Tobago and died en route to the hospital.
  • The Prime Minister and the Minister without Portfolio with Responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley visited with Cavahan's mother and members of the St. Jago High School community this afternoon.

The Full Story

Prime Minister the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller has expressed deep sadness at the untimely passing today of 18 year old St. Jago High School student, Cavahan McKenzie.

He collapsed after competing in a race at the NACAC Cross Country Event in Trinidad and Tobago and died en route to the hospital.

The Prime Minister and the Minister without Portfolio with Responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley visited with Cavahan’s mother and members of the St. Jago High School community this afternoon.

The Prime Minister said “Our grief is heightened because Cavahan was taken from us at such a young age and while competing on behalf of his school and country.  The Government will lend support to the family through this difficult time.”

The Prime Minister offered condolences to his family, school community and friends.

Last Updated: February 22, 2014

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