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Prime Minister Bruce Golding Sees Hope In The New Year

January 1, 2010

The Full Story

In his New Year’s Message, Prime Minister Bruce Golding projects that the economy is expected to return to a path of modest growth by the middle of the year and that this represents a new beginning which must be accelerated.
The Prime Minister highlighted tourism and agriculture as two industries that grew during the past year and restated the Government’s resolve to make enterprises in these and other industries succeed.
“The private sector must be encouraged and facilitated to lead the way in expanding economic activity. This is as it should be but is now more crucial than ever. That is why reducing the rate of interest – not simply taxing it – is our strategic direction..Increasing further the flow of credit to micro, small and medium-size enterprises is our strategic direction because they are the surest way to fast-start the economy and create jobs” Mr. Golding said.
Continuing, the Prime Minister said, “the IMF agreement being negotiated is necessary to help us through the current crisis but it is our own resolve to contain expenditure, eliminate waste and corruption, increase our earnings and our revenues that will secure the brighter future we all want for Jamaica”.

Last Updated: August 20, 2013

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