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Prime Minister Announces Cabinet Changes

April 6, 2009

The Full Story

The Prime Minister, the Hon. Bruce Golding, has announced the following changes to the Cabinet:
Senator the Hon. Dwight Nelson Minister of National Security
Hon. James Robertson, M.P. Minister of Energy and Mining
Hon. Olivia Grange, M.P. Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture
Hon. Daryl Vaz M.P.Minister without Portfolio (Office of the Prime Minister)
The subjects of Information and Telecommunications which, hitherto, were part of the former Ministries of Information, Culture, Youth and Sports and Mining and Telecommunications, respectively, have been transferred to the Office of the Prime Minister and will be directly overseen by the Hon. Daryl Vaz who will continue to have responsibility for special projects within the Office of the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister has conveyed his appreciation to Mr. Derrick Smith, Mr. Clive Mullings and Colonel Trevor MacMillan, who have tendered their resignations, for their services to the Government and nation, as former members of the Cabinet.
Senator the Hon. Don Wheby will demit office as Minister without Portfolio at the end of July. Senator Wheby had given the Prime Minister a commitment to serve in government for two years. He will be assuming a senior position within the Grace Kennedy Group of Companies with which he has had a long association. His services will, however, continue to be available to the government in an advisory capacity and for such assignments as are compatible with his private sector status.
The Hon. Andrew Holness, Minister of Education, has been appointed Leader of the House of Representatives.
The Ministry of Agriculture has been re-designated the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
The full Cabinet, as newly constituted, will be as follows:
Hon. Bruce Golding Prime Minister (Defence, Planning and Development, Information and Telecommunications)
Hon. Dr. Kenneth Baugh Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
Hon. Audley Shaw Minister of Finance and the Public Service
Senator the Hon. Dorothy LighbourneAttorney General and Minster of Justice
Hon. Karl SamudaMinister of Industry, Investment and Commerce
Senator the Hon. Dwight Nelson Minister of National Security
Hon. Andrew HolnessMinister of Education, Leader of the House and Minister with responsibility for Election Matters
Hon. Dr. Horace ChangMinister of Water and Housing
Hon. Olivia GrangeMinister of Youth, Sports and Culture
Hon. Rudyard SpencerMinister of Health
Hon. Pearnel CharlesMinister of Labour and Social Security
Hon. Dr. Christopher TuftonMinister of Agriculture and Fisheries
Hon. Edmund BartlettMinister of Tourism
Hon. Michael HenryMinister of Transport and Works
Hon. James RobertsonMinister of Mining and Energy
Hon. Don Wehby Minister without Portfolio (Ministry of Finance and the Public Service)
Hon. Daryl Vaz Minister without Portfolio (Office of the Prime Minister)
The above changes take effect on April 6th 2009.

Last Updated: August 27, 2013

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