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President Obama and Mrs. Clinton Commend Ambassador Johnson

April 27, 2010

The Full Story

President of the United States of America, Barack Obama and Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, have both lauded Jamaica’s outgoing Ambassador to the United States, His Excellency Anthony Johnson, for continuing to strengthen the historic ties of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.
“The President and Secretary of State want you to know that during your tenure, you played a critical role to forward our advancement in creating stronger relationships between the US and Jamaica and we look forward to continuing that relationship,” said the President’s Chief of Protocol, Capricia Penavice Marshall.
She was speaking on behalf of the President and Mrs. Clinton at a reception hosted by the US State Department for the outgoing Ambassador and his wife on Friday (April 23), at Blair House.

Chief of Protocol in the United States (US) Department of State, Capricia Penavic Marshall (left), bids farewell to Jamaica’s outgoing Ambassador to the US, His Excellency Anthony Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, at a reception hosted by the US State Department in their honour on Friday (April 23), at the historic Blair House in Washington DC.

Ms. Marshall said the Ambassador’s hard work to facilitate greater access for Jamaican goods and services to the US market while seeking to ensure a greater level of American foreign investors into Jamaica was commendable.
In his reply, Ambassador Johnson stated that “this is a sterling moment for me and my family as I am honoured to serve Jamaica as its ninth Ambassador to the United States. The hospitality of the US government has been extraordinary.”
Ambassador Johnson said he was very humbled that the State Department saw it fit to host a reception in his honour at the historic Blair House, which is the official state guest house for the President of the United States.”This is a historic moment in my career, as I never dreamed that I would be a guest of honour at such an eminent occasion,” he stated.
The farewell reception was attended by a wide cross-section of members from the US State Department, members of the Caribbean Caucus of Ambassadors, as well as senior members of staff of the Embassy of Jamaica.

Chief of Protocol in the United States (US) Department of State, Capricia Penavic Marshall (left), shares a light moment with Jamaica’s outgoing Ambassador to the United States(US), His Excellency Anthony Johnson, at a farewell reception hosted in his honor by the US State Department at the historic Blair House in Washington DC on Friday (April 23). Sharing in the occasion are Ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the United States, Her Excellency Glenda Marie Phillips (2nd right) and Guyana’s Ambassador to the US, His Excellency, Bayney Karran.

A number of other farewell events have been planned for this week. These include receptions to be hosted by the Organisation of American States (OAS), the Embassy of Jamaica, and the Caribbean Caucus of Ambassadors.
The Ambassador will pay farewell courtesy calls on the Secretary and Assistant Secretary, as well as the Chief of Protocol of the OAS; US Chief of Protocol; and the Director’s Office of Caribbean Affairs at the US State Department.
Ambassador Johnson, who also serves as Permanent Representative to the OAS assumed office in Washington in March 2008.
He will leave Washington on May 3 to assume his new posting as Jamaica’s High Commission to London and will be succeeded by business woman, Audrey Marks.

Last Updated: August 16, 2013

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