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Portland’s Business Information Centre Launched

June 2, 2009

The Full Story

The Portland branch of the Jamaica Business Information Centre (JBIC) was launched at a function at the Royal Mall, Port Antonio, last Thursday.
The centre is the tenth such facility to be established across the country by the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC), under its JBIC project.
It has been set up in an effort to improve the competitiveness of micro, small and medium sized businesses in the parish, by providing access to business, technical, marketing and financial services, through the use of Information Technology.
Among the services it will provide are general business information, business development training, customised training packages, business plan services and back office support.
The objectives include the provision of a host of business support services to cater to the needs of local entrepreneurs, ensuring their growth and sustainability and the establishment of partnerships with various entities who share the vision of the sustainable development of medium sized enterprises in Jamaica.
Addressing the launch, Chief Executive Officer of the JBDC, Harold Davis, said the organisation was pleased to expand its services to the people of Portland, with the establishment of the centre.
He said the initiative was taken out of the recognition that there are tremendous business opportunities in Portland, with its outstanding beauty and salubrious climate.
Jamaica is still a powerful brand name internationally, Mr. Davis said, and the JBDC is fully committed to working with enterprising individuals to ensure the success of its mandate of developing small and medium sized businesses.
Declaring that the JBDC provides a wide array of services in carrying out its mandate, he said the organisation can be aptly described as a one stop shop for businesses in the country.
Emphasising that the information centres enable the JBDC to provide an expanded scope of business services across the country, Mr. Davis said those services will enhance Jamaica’s ability to produce goods to match the quality of those produced elsewhere.
Also speaking at the function was Member of Parliament for East Portland, Dr. Donald Rhodd, who expressed appreciation to the JBDC for establishing the centre in Portland. He also expressed confidence that its operation will significantly enhance the social and economic development of the parish.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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