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Police Officer from Northern Ireland to Join JCF

June 14, 2007

The Full Story

Minister of National Security, Dr. Peter Phillips, announced yesterday (June 13) that Justin Felice, who is currently serving in the Northern Ireland Police Service, will join the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) in the position of Assistant Commissioner of Police with responsibilities for anti-corruption activities.
Dr. Phillips, who made the announcement during his contribution to the 2007/08 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives, said that Mr. Felice will be assuming duties in September 2007.
In explaining the rationale behind the appointment, Dr. Phillips explained that despite the efforts taken by the Professional Standards Branch in fighting corruption, “it is clear that much more needs to be done.”
“If people believe that police abuse their powers or are excessively violent or corrupt, then the trust of the populace is lost and it will be impossible to secure their support, which is so necessary if we were to isolate, investigate and convict criminals. As a consequence, we place the highest priority on maintaining the trust and support of the populace,” Dr. Phillips said.
The National Security Minister said that note should be taken of the active role being played by the Police Civilian Oversight Authority, which was established last year to provide oversight for the operations of the police force and to ensure that the JCF operates in accordance with international standards of policing.

Last Updated: June 14, 2007

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