Member of Parliament, St. Catherine South Western, Hon. Everald Warmington (fourth right, back row), is joined by students and teachers from the Baptist Bay Early Childhood Care Centre and Old Harbour Bay Primary, at the launch of community WI-FI at East Bay Road, St. Catherine, on Friday (February 10). The service was provided by the Universal Service Fund (USF). At left (back row) is the USF’s Chief Executive Officer, Daniel Dawes.
Member of Parliament, St. Catherine South Western, Hon. Everald Warmington (fourth right, back row), is joined by students and teachers from the Baptist Bay Early Childhood Care Centre and Old Harbour Bay Primary, at the launch of community WI-FI at East Bay Road, St. Catherine, on Friday (February 10). The service was provided by the Universal Service Fund (USF). At left (back row) is the USF’s Chief Executive Officer, Daniel Dawes.