Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Jamaica Information Service (JIS), Ian Boyne (left), greets State-owned Enterprise Adviser to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Laure Darcy (right), who is also Co-Author of the ADB report: ‘Finding Balance 2014: Benchmarking the performance of State-Owned Enterprises in Island Countries’. Miss Darcy, along with Former Minister of State-Owned Enterprises in New Zealand, Hon. Richard Prebble; and Deputy Financial Secretary with responsibility for Public Enterprises in the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Ann-Marie Rhoden, visited the JIS head office in Kingston on July 21, to participate in a Think Tank. The ADB representatives are in Jamaica to present their report findings to policy makers and senior executives of the Government of Jamaica.
Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Jamaica Information Service (JIS), Ian Boyne (left), greets State-owned Enterprise Adviser to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Laure Darcy (right), who is also Co-Author of the ADB report: ‘Finding Balance 2014: Benchmarking the performance of State-Owned Enterprises in Island Countries’. Miss Darcy, along with Former Minister of State-Owned Enterprises in New Zealand, Hon. Richard Prebble; and Deputy Financial Secretary with responsibility for Public Enterprises in the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Ann-Marie Rhoden, visited the JIS head office in Kingston on July 21, to participate in a Think Tank. The ADB representatives are in Jamaica to present their report findings to policy makers and senior executives of the Government of Jamaica.