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PNP Accepts General Election Results

September 4, 2007

The Full Story

President of the People’s National Party (PNP), Portia Simpson Miller has said that the Party accepts the announced preliminary results of the general election, which was held on September 3.
“The People’s National Party accepts the announced preliminary results, while reserving all legal rights under the Jamaican constitution and our electoral laws,” she said in a statement issued yesterday (September 4).
The Electoral Office of Jamaica (EOJ) said on September 4, that the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) had picked up an additional seat, moving the preliminary count to 32 seats for the JLP and 28 seats for the PNP.
In the constituency of South St. James, the seat was first declared for Derrick Kellier of the PNP, but was later declared for Noel Donaldson of the JLP.
“As I indicated in an address to Party supporters at the People’s National Party’s Headquarters last night, I would today state my position on the close preliminary results of yesterday’s general election and other electoral and constitutional issues,” Mrs. Simpson Miller said in the statement. “The determination of the constitutional issues by the court, as well as the final count in all seats could have a bearing on the outcome of this election,” she added.
Mrs. Simpson Miller said that the People’s National Party, as part of its highest traditions, respected and would always respect the voice of the Jamaican people and their will, as expressed in the vote.

Last Updated: September 4, 2007

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