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PM Emphasises Importance of Engaging Int’l Partners

By: , February 4, 2014

The Key Point:

Prime Minister Simpson Miller has underscored the importance of Jamaica actively engaging its international counterparts.
PM Emphasises Importance of Engaging Int’l Partners
Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller (seated, centre), with members of the Diplomatic Corps, following her address to them on February 4, at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, as part of activities for Diplomatic Week.

The Facts

  • She pointed out that although the countries may be separated geographically, culturally and linguistically, they all share a common vision to attain economic growth.
  • She thanked those governments who extended a hand of friendship to Jamaica over the last two years.

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller has underscored the importance of Jamaica actively engaging its international counterparts, as the country seeks to develop new relationships and strengthen old ones.

“From these engagements we have concretized a number of agreements and cooperation initiatives. These have contributed to the cementing of relationships in our bilateral interface. I can confidently speak of many achievements, and having been able to take Jamaica’s engagement with its bilateral partners a few steps further,” Mrs. Simpson Miller said.

She pointed out that although the countries may be separated geographically, culturally and linguistically, they all share a common vision to attain economic growth, sustainable development and an improved standard of living for its peoples.

“If we are to achieve sustainable development, we must move beyond national borders to forge alliances at the multilateral level,” she said.

Mrs. Simpson Miller was addressing members of the Diplomatic Corps at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, on February 4, as part of activities to observe Diplomatic Week.

The Prime Minister noted that the annual gathering provides an opportunity for reflection on events over the past months, even as there is contemplation of new prospects which lie on the horizon.

She thanked those governments who extended a hand of friendship to Jamaica over the last two years and pointed out that interdependency between nations and the global nature of many of the problems being faced, require deeper dialogue between countries.

“More and more we must build meaningful partnerships, so that we can create a better and more predictable future for generations to come,” the Prime Minister said.

Speaking on the theme: ‘Partnership for Growth and Development’, Mrs. Simpson Miller observed that over the past year, Jamaicans have been working very hard to overcome the debilitating effects of the global financial and economic crisis.

She reiterated the government’s commitment to advancing its growth and development agenda towards attaining the objectives and targets, through strategic priorities outlined in its economic development programme.

“We are fully aware of the link between these priorities and our foreign policy goals and objectives,” Mrs. Simpson Miller said, and cited the priorities as job creation; improved security and safety; human capital development; social inclusion and protection for the most vulnerable; and fiscal prudence and the pursuit of a credible economic programme.

Outlining a number of projects that the government is currently pursuing, including the Agro Parks and Gobal Logistics Hub initiatives, the Prime Minister said the priority is to lay the foundation for establishing a climate of confidence for economic recovery and growth.

“We have chosen a path conducive to sustainable development,  as outlined in our Vision 2030 National Development Plan,” she noted.

Mrs. Simpson Miller emphasised that governments need partnerships to succeed. “Combating poverty, crime, inequality and social exclusion require partnerships at all levels – between rich and poor countries, between governments, the private sector and civil society,” Mrs. Simpson Miller explained.

She thanked the Diplomats for their “hard work, cooperation and active engagement in the development of mutually beneficial relations between our countries and institutions.”

“Each country and organization represented here is of considerable importance to Jamaica.  My administration values the contribution you continue to make towards Jamaica’s development. We are all facing challenges of one kind or another. However, we take comfort in our belief that we have reliable and supportive partners who can journey with us on the path to economic prosperity,” Mrs. Simpson Miller said.

Last Updated: February 19, 2020

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