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PM Simpson-Miller Congratulates West Indies Under-19 Cricket Team

By: , February 18, 2016

The Key Point:

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has congratulated the young West Indian cricketers on their recent historic victory in the ICC Under-19 World Cup Cricket World Cup Competition.

The Facts

  • The Prime Minister, who also has portfolio responsibility for sport, wished the entire cricket team and notably, the three young Jamaicans in the squad, continued success.
  • Prime Minister Simpson Miller pointed out that cricket, like other sports, has been a unifying force among people and countries in the Caribbean region.

The Full Story

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has congratulated the young West Indian cricketers on their recent historic victory in the ICC Under-19 World Cup Cricket World Cup Competition. The Prime Minister has also highlighted the participation in the victorious team, of three outstanding young Jamaican cricketers.

“It is with an immense sense of pride that I extend the heartiest congratulations, on behalf of the Government and people of Jamaica, to our region’s young cricketers. I am particularly pleased with the participation in the team of three outstanding Jamaican youth cricketers: Michael Frew and Shahid Crooks of St Elizabeth Technical High school and Odean Smith of Maggotty High School,” the Prime Minister said in a statement.

She noted that while it was a hard-fought victory, the young Caribbean team stuck to the task, and with skill, composure and class, led an expectant and grateful region to one of the most memorable victories in West Indian cricketing history.

Last year Jamaica hosted the regional Under 19 Cricket Competition following which the current team was selected.

The Prime Minister, who also has portfolio responsibility for sport, wished the entire cricket team and notably, the three young Jamaicans in the squad, continued success.

She pledged unwavering support of the Government of Jamaica to developing the sport of cricket and to ensuring that young players receive the necessary nurturing to achieve their full potential.

Prime Minister Simpson Miller pointed out that cricket, like other sports, has been a unifying force among people and countries in the Caribbean region.

“Beyond that, sport, including cricket, continues to be a catalyst for positive social transformation and an avenue for the advancement of our youth,” the Prime Minister added.

She pointed out this was the backdrop against which the Government of Jamaica continues to make sport a national priority.

“Jamaica’s National Sport Policy is the strategic blueprint to move this sector forward. We continue to invest in infrastructure, and in the personal and professional development of our sports men and women,” the Prime Minister said.

The government of Jamaica assists various sport associations in Jamaica to the tune of more than $247 million annually and has invested some $250 million in building and upgrading sport infrastructure in high schools across the country. A Jamaican Athletes’ Insurance Plan, providing health and life insurance to national athletes, was recently introduced by the Government.

Last Updated: February 18, 2016

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