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PM Breaks Ground for First Solar Energy Power Plant in JA

By: , July 10, 2015

The Key Point:

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller on Thursday (July 9) broke ground for the development of the first utility-scale solar energy power plant in Jamaica.
PM Breaks Ground for First Solar Energy Power Plant in JA
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller (4th right), participates in the breaking of ground for a US $61 million solar electricity plant, at the project site in Content District, Clarendon on July 9. Others (from left) are: Minister of Local Government and Community Development and Member of Parliament for South West Clarendon, Hon. Noel Arscott; Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Phillip Paulwell; Vice President, WRB Enterprises Inc., Robert Blenker; Chief Executive Officer, Jamaica Public Service, Kelly Tomlinson; and Chargé d'affaires, United States Embassy, Elizabeth Martinez. The facility will be built and operated by Content Solar Ltd., a wholly-owned Jamaican subsidiary of Florida-based WRB Enterprises Inc.

The Facts

  • Upon completion it will be the largest and most sophisticated solar electricity facility in the Caribbean.
  • The Prime Minister said that this non-traditional energy source is a welcomed new economic activity which is expected to generate jobs.

The Full Story

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller on Thursday (July 9) broke ground for the development of the first utility-scale solar energy power plant in Jamaica, which upon completion will be the largest and most sophisticated solar electricity facility in the Caribbean.

Spanning some 160 acres of land in Content Village, York Town, Clarendon, the Content Solar Project being implemented by WRB Enterprises Inc. will involve the investment of approximately $US60 Million by the developers.

The development of the 20 megawatt fixed-tilt, ground-mounted photovoltaic facility will start this month (July) with a view to completing and connecting it to the national grid by June 2016.

Delivering the keynote address at the groundbreaking ceremony, the Prime Minister said that this non-traditional energy source is a welcomed new economic activity which is expected to generate jobs. She added that the project represents a renewal of the Government’s commitment to develop clean, affordable, renewable energy.

“Our energy policy reflects the commitment to diversify our energy mix and during this Administration’s tenure, we have taken concrete action in the implementation of this policy,” Mrs. Simpson Miller said.

The Prime Minister noted that the Content Solar Project will “assist the country in its continued goal of increasing the share of renewable power generation from roughly 7 percent today to 15 percent by 2020.” She pointed out that “the electricity produced by this facility will replace some 3 million gallons of fuel per year.”

Currently Jamaica imports over 20.5 million barrels of oil at a cost of some US$2 billion, representing 11.6 percent of our GDP. Jamaica’s Energy Policy requires that at least 20 percent of the country’s energy mix comes from renewable sources such as solar by 2030.

The Policy is intended to facilitate the establishment of a comprehensive programme of efficiency improvement and energy diversification. It also commits Jamaica to a path for providing high‐quality, affordable, environmentally‐friendly energy and to reducing the country’s dependence on high‐cost imported oil.

Mrs. Simpson Miller indicated that “The successful implementation of the facility will demonstrate the efficiency of solar power in Jamaica’s renewable energy future.” She said that the project promises to deliver low-cost, clean energy to Jamaicans for 30 years.

The groundbreaking ceremony for the Content Solar Project follows renewed commitments to advance major investments in renewable energy announced by the Prime Minister and US President Barak Obama during his visit to the island on April 9 this year.

Last Updated: July 13, 2015

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