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PHOTOS: Minister Grange On Sabina Park Mural Tour

April 19, 2021
PHOTOS: Minister Grange On Sabina Park Mural Tour
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Olivia Grange (second right), emphasises a point as she views the wall mural at Sabina Park in Kingston recently, which depicts Jamaica's heritage in cricket. The mural, done by Irving Cano Gomez (second left), is a 'Jamaica 60' Legacy Project. Others admiring the artwork (from left) are Chairman, Sabina Park Holdings, Milton Samuda; and President of the Jamaica Cricket Association, Wilford 'Billy' Heaven.

The Full Story

The wall mural at Sabina Park, Kingston, which captures Jamaica’s heritage in cricket. The mural, done by Irving Cano Gomez, is a ‘Jamaica 60’ Legacy Project.
Last Updated: April 19, 2021

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