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Permit Parking in Lucea Come Monday

October 9, 2009

The Full Story

Effective Monday, October 12, permit parking will be officially introduced in the town of Lucea, Hanover.The move is aimed at eliminating indiscriminate street parking, which causes traffic congestion and general disorder in the town, and also earn revenue for the Hanover Parish Council.
Mayor of Lucea, Councillor Lloyd Hill, told JIS News that everything is in place for Monday’s start.
He said that the designated streets have been marked, the necessary signs are up, permit tickets have been printed, the Parish Council has acquired some vehicle clamps, and the municipal police are ready to monitor the process.
The streets on which permit parking will be allowed are: Millers Drive, Moseley Drive, Hanover Street, Willie Deliser Boulevard and Church Street.
It will cost $50 per hour to park on any of the streets and tickets will be available at the Parish Council office and at three locations in close proximity to the prescribed parking areas.
Persons caught parking in ‘No Parking’ areas throughout the town will have their vehicles clamped, which will only be removed after they have paid a $2,500 fee.
Mayor Hill said that the new permit parking system has the blessing of the members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) as it will make their job in policing the town much easier.

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

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