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PCJ anticipates public support for energy symposia

February 17, 2011

The Full Story

The Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) says it expects increased public involvement in energy efficiency, from its islandwide series of seminars, dubbed "Jamaica’s Energy Future".

Against the background of rising energy costs facing the public, Chief Technical Director at the PCJ, Earl Green, told JIS News that the series of symposia was part of its three-year corporate plan, and that the seminars would be held once per month in different parish capitals.

The events would aim at heightening public awareness of various methods that can be adopted to save on energy costs.

Stressing the importance of energy efficiency and simple strategies that can be adopted, he pointed to the replacement of incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs, which leads to an immediate saving in electricity bills. 

“The aim is to promote energy efficiency and the utilization of energy efficient equipment, gadgets, systems and programmes,” he said.

Mr. Green told JIS News that the PCJ was currently undertaking several projects aimed at energy efficiency, primarily in hospitals and schools. He said that there are plans to increase that strategy, in the new fiscal year, to include the facilities of the Jamaica Constabulary force, the National Water Commission and the National Irrigation Commission.  



Last Updated: August 12, 2013

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