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Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency for Emancipation Park

By: , November 17, 2014

The Key Point:

On November 18 the Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA) will take its mobile unit to Emancipation Park as part of 2014 Civil Service Week activities.
Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency for Emancipation Park

The Facts

  • Speaking with JIS News, Communications Officer at PICA, Angela Hamilton said that persons seeking information about passport, immigration and citizenship can visit the PICA mobile unit in the park.
  • Mrs. Hamilton noted that persons applying for their passport need to take all the documents they usually take when making an application at their main office.

The Full Story

On November 18 the Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA) will take its mobile unit to Emancipation Park as part of 2014 Civil Service Week activities.

Speaking with JIS News, Communications Officer at PICA, Angela Hamilton said that persons seeking information about passport, immigration and citizenship can visit the PICA mobile unit in the park.

“Our main service that we will be highlighted is our passport service, persons can come and apply for their passports in the park and we will be there to facilitate them. PICA will be on location from 8:30am processing passport applications,” she said.

Mrs. Hamilton noted that persons applying for their passport need to take all the documents they usually take when making an application at their main office.

“Please ensure that you do all the ground work before coming, in other words complete the form, have your two passport size pictures and ensure only one is certified, take your birth certificate; if you are renewing your passport you need to take the expired one along with you. If you are married, please take your marriage certificate, and if there is a name change you need to take along your deed poll,” she outlined.

She added that cash payments are not accepted outside of the main office. “Payments may be made through debit, credit or postal order. Postal orders may be obtained at the Half Way Tree post office,” she said.

Passports can be obtained at a cost of $4,500 for adults and $2,700 for minors. Replacement for a lost or damaged passport attracts a fee of $9,500 for adults and $5,700 for children.

“There will be no express service offered in the park. This service is only offered at PICA head office at 25c Constant Spring Road, Kingston 10,” Mrs. Hamilton said. Civil Service Week begins on November 16 and ends on November 22.

Last Updated: November 17, 2014

Jamaica Information Service