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Parents urged to get involved in child’s education

June 28, 2011

The Full Story

MANDEVILLE — Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Child Development Agency (CDA), Carla Francis-Edie, is encouraging parents to be involved in the school life of their children.

Delivering the keynote address at a graduation ceremony at the Brokenhurst Basic School, in Manchester, on June 23, Mrs. Francis-Edie emphasised that when parents are involved in the education of their children, they take more interest in learning and teachers pay more attention to those children.

“I implore you parents, be involved in your child’s school life. Even if you cannot read, pretend that you can read, and when your child comes home, ask him or her to read. Have a conversation with your child, and ask about their time at school. The same kind of interest that you show is the same interest that your child is going to show,” she said.

The CEO noted that many of the reported cases of abuse of children are not dealt with, because parents refuse to believe the child. The CDA Head called on parents to listen to their children. “Be there for your children, have that listening ear, listen to your child, don’t let them seek friendship elsewhere. Teach them about the things that are good…be supportive of your children,” she urged.

Mrs. Francis-Edie said the new schools where the children are going to be enrolled will bring much anxiety as the environments are new, so the parents must look out for signs of stress, and work with patience to help them adjust to new teachers and other persons. “This means that you will have to be providing constant assurance to them,” she said.

In her report, Principal of the school, Jennifer Cowan, expressed gratitude to parents and other persons who help in the running of the institution. “We are grateful for the valuable guidance that you provide. I commend those parents who continue to be the driving force behind their children, by taking an interest in their education,” she said.

For his part, member of the school Board, Dorrset Wright, stressed that the right attitude from parents and the wider community will help the children to realise their dreams.

“These children are going places, and it will take everybody to co-operate, so that we can enhance, develop and see to it that they become good men and women for the future,” he said.




Last Updated: August 9, 2013

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