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Parenting Workshop Held in Manchester

June 16, 2008

The Full Story

Parents in and around the parish of Manchester on Wednesday (June 11) benefited from a workshop put on by the Mandeville division of the Mico Care Centre.
The workshop was part of a regular forum by the Centre to improve the child rearing skills of parents and caregivers. Participants were exposed to expert views on behavior management, the role of parents under the Child Care and Protection Act, and general parenting skills.
Head of the Mico Care Centre, Maxine Anderson, told JIS News that the workshops arouse from a need “to educate parents on how to be good parents.”
She noted that “at the Mico Care Centre, we do get a lot of children, and sometimes the parents are very young, and they do not know what to do with them (children). We meet with them (parents) in small and large settings, and at other times we do it on a one-on-one basis, and we have seen the positive results on the children whose parents take our advice into practice.”
Child Development Officer at the Child Development Agency (CDA), Donna Fuller, encouraged the attendees to be creative in their parenting methods.
“Everything we do as adults to teach our children to make good decisions requires thought, planning and patience. As parents, we need to know when to make adjustments in how we practice parenting. When we are using old methods to get a child to hear and he is not hearing, we need to stop and ask if the beating, yelling and cursing that once clicked with the child are effective at a certain stage of their life. Find creative ways to have your child listen and reason with you, because change from deviancy is possible in every child,” Ms. Fuller stated.

Last Updated: June 16, 2008

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