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Outstanding Jamaicans Honoured at King’s House

October 18, 2005

The Full Story

Despite persistent heavy rains associated with a tropical depression, some 138 of 157 Jamaicans turned out to be recognised at the National Honours and Awards ceremony, held at King’s House in Kingston today (October 17).
Of that number, four persons were conferred with the Order of Jamaica (OJ) for outstanding contribution in the areas of Sports, Religion, Ophthalmology and Art.
They are President of the Jamaica Olympic Association, Michael Fennell for his years of service in the field of Sports; Reverend Alfred Reid for outstanding service to Religion; Dr. Garth Taylor for dedicated humanitarian service in the field of Ophthalmology; and Professor Basil Watson in recognition of his exceptional achievements in Art.
Heading the list of officials in attendance were, Her Excellency Lady Ivy Cooke, Prime Minister P.J. Patterson, and Opposition Leader, Bruce Golding.The awards were presented by the Governor General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Howard Cooke.
Among the persons conferred with the Order of Distinction, Commander Class (CD) were the Ministry of Health’s Dr. Deanna Ashley for outstanding service in Health care; the Planning Institute of Jamaica’s Dr. Wesley Hughes for dedicated public service in the planning and development field; and Senator Dwight Nelson for his significant contribution to the Trade Union Movement.
Those receiving the Order of Distinction, Officer Class (OD) included Senator Navel Clarke for his service to the Trade Union Movement; Kingsley (Ibo) Cooper for his contribution to the development of Jamaican music, and Entrepreneur Lowell Hawthorne for service to Commerce and Community Development.
The Badge of Honour for Meritorious Service was conferred on 12 persons for their contribution to Community Service and Development, Education, Nursing, Mental Health Care and Public Service.
Some 60 members of the uniform service were awarded with the Medal of Honour for Meritorious service, while 12 other Jamaicans received the Badge of Honour for Long and Faithful Service.

Last Updated: October 18, 2005

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