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Outgoing Managing Director of Exim Bank Honoured

April 29, 2010

The Full Story

Outgoing Managing Director of the National Export-Import (EXIM) Bank, Mrs. Pamella McLean, was honoured yesterday (April 28), at a cocktail reception, held at the Alhambra Inn, in Kingston.
Mrs. McLean, who will demit office on April 30, has given 38 years of service to the public service, 24 years of which were dedicated to the EXIM Bank.
Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Hon. Audley Shaw, in his tribute to Mrs. McLean, said he was very pleased about the work and track record she has set, noting that she has fulfilled her own guiding motto of autographing her work with excellence.
“On behalf of the previous Minister, the past Chairman of the EXIM Bank, the present Board and the entire Government and Ministry, we wish you God-speed and success in your new endeavours and thank you for all of your sacrifice, hard work, and efficiency over the years,” he said.

Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Hon. Audley Shaw (centre), engages in a light conversation with outgoing Managing Director of the National Export-Import (EXIM) Bank, Mrs. Pamella McLean, and Chairman of the Bank’s Board, Mr. Gary Hendrickson. Occasion was a cocktail reception held in honour of Mrs. Mclean, at the Alhambra Inn, in Kingston, on April 28.

He added that Mrs. McLean was departing the institution at a time when the role of the EXIM Bank would need to be expanded, noting that an additional $1.2 billion has been identified “that we are going to ensure that the EXIM Bank has, that it can put into the pot for the export market.”
In her tribute to Mrs. McLean, Manager, Trade Financing and Risk Management, at the Bank, Ms. Valerie Crawford, described the Managing Director as “meticulous to a fault, thorough (and) a stickler for details.”
She noted that Mrs. McLean was careful and thorough in her approach to the Bank’s work to ensure that the highest standards are met.
Chairman of the Board of the Bank, Mr. Gary Hendrickson, said that Mrs. McLean has taught the EXIM Bank family very well and is leaving the institution intact. “Pamella McLean is the finest civil servant I have ever had the pleasure to work with,” he added.
In his tribute, Chief Officer, Credit, Mr. Charles Lewis, noted that Mrs. McLean’s sterling contribution to the bank, has left “an indelible imprint, certainly on my mind, and on the minds of staff at the EXIM Bank.”
Responding, Mrs. McLean said she was “just simply overwhelmed” and humbled by the outpouring of tributes.
“I’m very pleased at the sentiments being expressed..because I will take away from here that feeling which tells me that there are persons out there who believe that I did a good job,” she said.
Mrs. McLean said the promise of reward is not what drives her to do her work well, but “in the expectation, in the hope, in the wish that I am making a difference, I’m helping to solve a problem, and I’m making life easier for somebody else who depends on me to do that for them.”
“In carrying out my daily functions, I saw myself as a servant of the public and I therefore made myself accessible to the clients of the bank and persons who want to find me.I’m not one to say I’m not available. I will speak to you whoever you are,” she said.
Mrs. McLean encouraged the incoming Managing Director, Mrs. Lisa Bell, formerly of Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO)/Jamaica Trade and Invest, who will take up office on Monday, May 3, to approach the job with an open mind.
“I believe that I have left in place at the EXIM Bank, a legacy of efficiency, transparency, integrity and the staff under the new leadership of Lisa, I am sure, will continue to uphold these very high ideals, and continue to build on the legacy,” the Managing Director said.
She thanked Minister Shaw for the support he has given to the bank, adding that Portfolio Ministers have, over the years, been very supportive of the EXIM Bank. Mrs. McLean, who joined the EXIM Bank at its inception in 1986, is the first female Managing Director of the Bank, having served in that capacity for the last 15 years, after being appointed in 1995.
She started her banking career with the Bank of Jamaica (BoJ) shortly after a five-month stint at the Ministry of Finance in the Budget Division, after graduating from the University of the West Indies in 1972.
Between 1972 and 1985, Mrs. McLean served in various supervisory and administrative positions in the Central Bank. From 1985 to 1994, she served in various middle and senior management positions in both BoJ and the EXIM Bank. Between 1992 and 1994, she was the Deputy Managing Director of the EXIM Bank.
She was conferred with the Order of Distinction, Commander Class, in 2006. She is also listed in the International Who’s Who of Professionals – 2006 and the Jamaica Directory of Personalities – 2007/2008.
The EXIM Bank was established in May 1986 in response to the Government’s objective to enhance growth and development through an export led economy. It provides financing and financial assistance for the export and import of goods, commodities and services between Jamaica and any foreign country and encourages and develops trade between Jamaica and other countries by making arrangements for insurance for the benefit of exporters.

Last Updated: August 16, 2013

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