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ORC Announces Refund

January 27, 2005

The Full Story

Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC), Shellie Leon, has announced that those members of the public who paid $4,500 in the latter part of last year to publish removal of their companies from the Companies Register, will be receiving a partial refund of this amount.
Miss Leon told JIS News that under the Amnesty, from November 18 to December 31, 2004, the ORC had quoted a rate of $4,500, based on the placement of a full-page ad carrying a number of company names.
“However, we received complaints from clients that the cost was too high, so we thought of another alternative, which was to have the companies published in the classified section of a daily newspaper,” the ORC official explained. The cost per company is therefore now $1,500.
Miss Leon noted that those persons who previously paid $4,500 would therefore receive a refund of $3,000 after the notice has been published in a daily newspaper.

Last Updated: January 27, 2005

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