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Old Hospital Park will add to Mobay’s Tourism Offerings – Russell

June 16, 2011

The Full Story

MONTEGO BAY — Chairman of the Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo), Robert Russell, says the development of the Old Hospital Park, located on Gloucester Avenue in Montego Bay, will enhance the city’s tourism product and open-up the possibility of attracting more nature loving visitors to the island.

“The Old Hospital Park has history; it is centrally located and I am sure adds significant value to this area,” Mr. Russell said on June 14 at the official opening of the facility.

He noted that visitors and locals will be able to use the facility to pass time and relax; students will find it an ideal study location, while children will be able to play in the park.

The TPDCo chairman commended all the entities and persons, “who have contributed in some way in ensuring that today, we have another edifice in this city that we can showcase”.           

“Let me join in the call for everyone, who uses this park, to play their part in its protection and preservation.  We have invested too much in this facility for us not to take the requisite steps to ensure its protection. This is a place where people can be at one with nature and if we use and enjoy this park with our fellow citizens and our children in mind, it will be here for a very long time,” he said.

The Old Hospital Park was extensively upgraded through partnership involving the Ministry of Tourism, the Urban Development Corporation (UDC), which donated the land for the project, and the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA).

The facility, which will be managed by the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB), boasts a number of gazebos, sanitary conveniences and an information desk.

The $45 million project was funded by the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF), which has also made a commitment to fund a three-year maintenance programme at the park.

Meanwhile, General Manager of the UDC, Joy Douglas, in a message read by Community Integration Manager, Lisa Golding, said that the agency’s involvement in the project was in keeping with its commitment to invest in the well-being of Jamaicans.

“The people of the city, I know, have awaited the completion of the park, even as the corporation carried out additional beautification elements.  I am indeed pleased with how the project has evolved and how it has enhanced the cityscape of what is already a beautiful destination,” she stated.



Last Updated: August 9, 2013

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