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NIF Will Remain Viable – Finance Minister

By: , March 26, 2015

The Key Point:

Minister of Finance and Planning, Dr. the Hon. Peter Phillips, says the National Insurance Fund (NIF) will remain viable, despite concerns being raised about its sustainability.
NIF Will Remain Viable – Finance Minister
Minister of Finance and Planning, Hon. Dr. Peter Phillips makes a point as he closes the 2015/16 budget debate in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, March 25.

The Facts

  • The Minister was closing the 2015/16 budget debate in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, March 25.
  • Benefits from the NIS are funded by the NIF. The NIS is a compulsory social security scheme for workers, which provide financial protection to its contributors and their families against loss of income arising from injury on the job, incapacity, retirement or death.

The Full Story

Minister of Finance and Planning, Dr. the Hon. Peter Phillips, says the National Insurance Fund (NIF) will remain viable, despite concerns being raised about its sustainability.

The Minister was closing the 2015/16 budget debate in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, March 25.

Dr. Philips told the Lower House that an actuarial review had already been undertaken to assess the sustainability of the pension fund in the medium to long-term period.

“That report will be tabled in the House in April. In fact, a roadmap for the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) in Jamaica was completed and a presentation made at the Labour Market Forum staged in December 2014. The Government is currently reviewing the study to determine how to phase the implementation of the recommendations,” he said.

Benefits from the NIS are funded by the NIF. The NIS is a compulsory social security scheme for workers, which provide financial protection to its contributors and their families against loss of income arising from injury on the job, incapacity, retirement or death.

It also has maternity allowance for domestic workers, a health plan for all contributors, grant for funeral, widow and widower’s pensions, and orphan’s allowance.


Last Updated: March 26, 2015

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