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New Water Supply for Spaldings and Christiana

December 4, 2004

The Full Story

An estimated J$152 million is to be spent to establish a water supply system for the communities of Spaldings and Christiana in northwest Clarendon and north Manchester.
Minister of Water and Housing Donald Buchanan updated residents of Clarendon on this development at a ‘Face to Face’ meeting on December 1 at the Spaldings United Church.
“The good news for you is that you will have a completed water supply system for Spaldings and environs of Spaldings before Christmas 2006,” he said.
According to Minister Buchanan, tender for the supply of material and works would be invited in December 2004, construction activities were scheduled to begin in July 2005 and the project would run for 20 months.
He explained further that the project was one of four to be implemented in Clarendon with the other three to be established in Gravel Hill, Milk River and Kellits. Mr. Buchanan informed that all four projects would cost approximately J$360 million and that the upgrading of the Kellits water Supply system was already underway. Funding of approximately US$13.5 million is being provided through partnership with the European Union and the Inter-American Development Bank.

Last Updated: December 4, 2004

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