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New Senator & State Minister for Foreign Affairs Sworn in at Kings House

July 15, 2009

The Full Story

Marlene Patricia Malahoo-Forte was this morning sworn in by the Governor General, Sir Patrick Allen, as a Senator and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs.
In presenting the instruments of appointment at a ceremony at Kings House, the Governor General noted that Ms. Malahoo Forte would be serving in a very sensitive Ministry and that all eyes would be focused on her with the expectation that would make the country proud. He said that at this time, Jamaica needs men and women who serve from the heart, who are willing to give of themselves unreservedly and who do not see these positions as ones in which to profile, but to perform.
“The bottom line is that we give service to our fellowmen because it is only as we serve our fellowmen that we are serving God”, Sir Patrick said.
Prime Minister Bruce Golding in his address said the decision to assign Ms. Malahoo Forte to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was a deliberate one. The Ministry he said, is the part of government that guides our international relations and anchors our interaction with the global community. Its role and the work that it does has grown exponentially with the impact of globalization. It has a significant development dimension that is not always appreciated.

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (right), looks on as Justice Marlene Malahoo Forte takes the Oath of Allegiance and Oath of Office as a Senator and Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, during a ceremony, held at King’s House today (July 15).

“There are many initiatives that define the path of our development as a nation that are conducted through international agreements which provide opportunities which we need to take advantage of and many of these are initiatives to which development finance is directly tied”, he said.
The Prime Minister cited the international trading arrangements impacting on our economic fortunes and the need for reforming the global financial and economic architecture. He also mentioned the issue of climate change and the fate of small and vulnerable states like Jamaica which are directly affected by what happens in areas where we have no presence.
Mr. Golding said that bilateral agreements are giving way to multi-lateral arrangements to which we have to be proactively and strategically focused and that Ms Malahoo Forte would bring value to the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs working under the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of State, Dr Ronald Robinson. He said he expected her to bring to her new tasks, the same level of dedication and commitment and the same degree of passion that she has brought to other areas in which she has served.
Ms. Malahoo Forte has had an outstanding career as a Resident Magistrate. She previously served as Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions and is a past President of the Association of Resident Magistrates as well as the Legal Officers Staff Association. She is currently the Chairperson of the Women’s Leadership Initiative.

Last Updated: August 26, 2013

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