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New Plans for Jamaica House Basic School

December 19, 2007

The Full Story

Mrs. Lorna Golding, wife of Prime Minister Bruce Golding, has outlined plans that she hopes to implement as she assumes the role of Patron of the Jamaica House Basic School. She said other than accepting the position with great pleasure, she wants to be a working patron and raise the bar by bringing something special to the school.
Mrs. Golding said the school should be the prototype for other schools and the new thrust of the government in early childhood education. In this regard, she said, “we have to look at how we can reorganize by looking at the parents, and where the children are coming from”. She said that it is important that the way in which the schools are being run reflect what the government feels about education.
Among the initiatives that are being planned, is the launch of a Basic School Foundation which will be a focus for all persons who are interested in how the family should interact with early childhood education. Another initiative is to provide breakfast for those children who, for whatever reason, do not have breakfast before going to school.
Mrs. Golding said that special emphasis will be placed on children who are challenged in various ways such as autistic children and those who are very gifted. She also said that children who were affected with HIV/AIDS should not be discriminated against. She went on to say all these children were a part of the society and measures will have to be put in place to effectively manage the situation.
Mrs. Golding was speaking recently at a Christmas treat held at the Jamaica House Basic School where approximately 250 children were feted. Refreshment and gifts were provided by numerous financial institutions and private sector entities.

Last Updated: December 19, 2007

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