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New Island Traffic Authority And Road Traffic Act Regulations Top Transport Agenda

By: , February 19, 2021
New Island Traffic Authority And Road Traffic Act Regulations Top Transport Agenda
Photo: Adrian Walker
Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, stands at attention for the playing of the National Anthem, at the 2021/22 Ceremonial Opening of Parliament, today (February 18).

The Full Story

Implementation of the new Island Traffic Authority and the Road Traffic Act regulations are among priority areas for the Ministry of Transport and Mining for 2021/22.

Governor General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, in delivering the Throne Speech at the Ceremonial Opening of Parliament on Thursday (February 18), said that focus will also be placed on the passage of critical pieces of legislation, including the Shipping (Pollution Prevention, Response, Liability and Compensation) Bill as well as the Bill to amend the Transport Authority Act.

He noted that the Government, through the Ministry, has taken steps to assist the transport sector in the COVID-19 relief effort.

“Licensing fees were waived and the period for renewal of road licences extended. First responders were allowed to ride free on Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) and Montego Bay Metro buses, between March and September 2020. The procurement of buses for the Jamaica Urban Transit Company is far advanced,” he noted.

Turning to developments in the mining sector, the Governor-General said that the Government has been able to maximise on revenue from alumina sales through new legal and marketing structures, which allows the Government to enhance its earnings with respect to its alumina offtake from the Jamalco operation.

In addition, he noted that the new National Minerals Policy for Jamaica has been tabled as a White Paper, and the Shipping (Amendment) Act, which seeks to incorporate the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, was passed.


Last Updated: February 7, 2023

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