Negril Education Environment Trust Hosts Health Fair Sept. 15
By: September 12, 2017 ,The Key Point:
The Facts
- According to the organisation’s Chairman, Winston Wellington, the fair, which will be held on the grounds of Perfect Health Medical and Holistic Centre in Savanna-La-Mar, Westmoreland, will not be restricted to residents of the parish but will be open to persons throughout western Jamaica.
- The fair begins at 9:00 a.m., and Mr. Wellington is encouraging persons to come out early. “Here is an opportunity for persons to get free check-ups and free medical advice. This could well be a life-saving experience, so please come out,” he urged.
The Full Story
The Negril Education Environment Trust (NEET) will be hosting a Health Fair on September 15, where some 26 doctors and nurses will be coming in from New Jersey, United States, to provide free medical services.
According to the organisation’s Chairman, Winston Wellington, the fair, which will be held on the grounds of Perfect Health Medical and Holistic Centre in Savanna-La-Mar, Westmoreland, will not be restricted to residents of the parish but will be open to persons throughout western Jamaica.
“We have been doing this now for almost 15 years. These medical professionals will be coming to Jamaica at their own expense and will be making high-quality medical services available to our people,” Mr. Wellington told JIS News.
The services, he said, include check-ups for diabetes, hypertension, blood pressure, glaucoma and many other illnesses.
He also noted that NEET has worked closely with both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information over the years.
The fair begins at 9:00 a.m., and Mr. Wellington is encouraging persons to come out early. “Here is an opportunity for persons to get free check-ups and free medical advice. This could well be a life-saving experience, so please come out,” he urged.
NEET is a non-profit organisation based at Travellers Beach Resort in Negril. It was founded in 2003, primarily to assist with health and education, but has seen its appeal broadened over the years to include other social services.
“Since our inception 14 years ago, our mission and vision have grown. Today, NEET is committed to strengthening the social fabric of Jamaica through programmes that expand educational access for children and adults, partnerships that address our public and environmental health, and events and activities that celebrate Jamaica’s rich heritage,” Mr. Wellington said.
He pointed to the organisation’s three flagship programmes in the form of its islandwide book and computer distribution, computer literacy, and the annual medical fair.
“We have given away many books, many computers and have graduated more than 2,000 persons from our computer programmes over the years,” Mr. Wellington noted.