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National Parent-Teacher Association members urged to help foster peace

March 1, 2011

The Full Story

As Jamaica celebrates Peace Day today, March 1, the National Parent-Teacher Association of Jamaica (NPTAJ) is urging its membership to consider how they can help foster peace in schools and the wider society.

“I urge our parents to reflect …in the hope that it will guide our future actions, for our schools, students and the NPTAJ. Parents and students alike must demonstrate the qualities that reflect peaceful citizens at all times, and on Peace Day the onus is on us to reflect on how exactly we will do this,” said President of the organisation, Marcia McCausland-Wilson.

Peace Day is an annual programme of the Peace and Love in Society (PALS) Programme and the Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA). On the day, Jamaicans are encouraged to participate in a number of community or school-based activities as they take a stance against all forms of violence and disorder.. The theme for this year is ‘Peace…from start to finish’.

According to the NPTAJ President, the acts of violence that occur in schools often  mirror what is happening in the society and Peace Day should be a time when pledges are made for a change.

“The violent incidents in our schools are too frequent and cannot be allowed to continue. As parents and guardians it is our responsibility to instill positive values to our children so they know right from wrong,” she stated.

The NPTAJ was formed in 2006 and facilitates partnerships and interaction among parents, teachers and the school community.



Last Updated: August 12, 2013

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