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More than 2,000 Youth to Benefit Under Animation Project

By: , February 21, 2019

The Key Point:

More than 2,000 young persons are to benefit from training opportunities under the Youth Employment in Digital and Animation Industries Project in the upcoming fiscal year.

The Facts

  • The Government has set aside $908.2 million in the 2019/20 Estimates of Expenditure to undertake several training exercises, among other activities.
  • It is intended that 1,850 youth will benefit from instruction in the digitisation of Government records over a six-month period; and another 120 under the project’s apprenticeship programme.

The Full Story

More than 2,000 young persons are to benefit from training opportunities under the Youth Employment in Digital and Animation Industries Project in the upcoming fiscal year.

The Government has set aside $908.2 million in the 2019/20 Estimates of Expenditure to undertake several training exercises, among other activities.

It is intended that 1,850 youth will benefit from instruction in the digitisation of Government records over a six-month period; and another 120 under the project’s apprenticeship programme.

In addition, 270 persons are to benefit from training in accessing work online, and 670 from 2D and 3D training.

Further under the project, a Business Development Programme for animators is to be completed where 20 studios will be trained in the business of animation; and nine community/youth centres are to be refurbished and equipped.

The funding will also provide for the hosting of the National Youth Innovation Awards and KingstOOn Animation Festival; conduct stakeholder consultations on the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy; and develop the Green Paper for the Animation Policy.

Up to December 2018 under the project, 30 unattached youths were trained in how to access global online work; 1,339 youth were trained in the digitisation of records, and 679 placed in internships; several training camps were undertaken with 37 trainers from secondary/tertiary/vocational institutions in 2D and 3D animation; and scholarships were provided for two participants to attend a two-month animation summer programme in Canada.

The project also saw the procurement of 334 graphic tablets, which were distributed to seven training institutions, and the purchase of 558 2D animation (Toon Boom and TV Paint) software licences for six training institutions.

Being implemented by the Office of the Prime Minister, the project seeks to build the capacity and enhance the skills of Jamaica’s youth, to improve their employability in the digital and animation industries.

This is being done by providing animation training for individuals and capacity building for institutions delivering animation training; the development of an Animation Policy for Jamaica; business development support for existing and potential businesses in the local animation industry; and training, apprenticeship and job opportunities in the digitisation of government records for unattached Jamaican youth aged 18 to 24.

In addition, the project is enhancing Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) through the national innovation and young innovators awards and the development of an STI Policy, and supporting institutional capacity-building for project management.

Implemented in 2014, the project is being funded by the Government of Jamaica and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). It is slated to conclude in August 2019.

Last Updated: February 21, 2019

Jamaica Information Service