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More Than 150 JIS Staff to be Trained

October 15, 2009

The Full Story

More than 150 staff members of the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) will receive training in Customer Service over a five-week period, from September 30 to November 4.
Staff members, drawn from a wide cross section of the Agency including drivers, accountants, photographers, reporters and production managers, have welcomed the exercise.
Giving his impression of the training session, Radio Producer for Calling Farmers, Kevin Clarke, told JIS News, “I found the workshop very beneficial, as it gave me a better understanding of how to deal with different customers. It also made me aware that my fellow employees are also customers, and play a very important role in overall customer relations.”
“For me it was very important, as I learnt how to better deal with certain situations,” Studio Engineer, Andrae Palmer added.
Business Development Executive, Phillipia Phillips, noted that the presenter did an excellent job and the material was very relevant.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mrs. Donna-Marie Rowe, said that the Agency was building a new organizational culture through reorientation of staff, beginning with the customer service training.
It is a part of our strategic objectives to build loyalty among our clients and, thereby, grow market share over the next three years, she added.
“There was need to refocus the Agency on a heightened level of customer service and, in so doing, realign our targets with clearly defined strategic objectives, to which all staff members can relate,” the CEO said.
“In our revised Corporate and Operating Plans for the next three years, we have indicated that we will focus on delivering excellent customer service to all our clients; ensuring that our service is of a high standard, carried out by professional, highly trained and competent staff members who are motivated and driven by the role they play in the organization. To help us all to achieve this, we have embarked on a stimulating in-house training programme,” she explained.
She noted that the training is a key component of the agency’s strategy to develop a highly trained cadre of staff in all key areas, including the soft skills of customer service.
Addressing the participants, Course Facilitator, Mr. Errol Gardner said, “Customer service is vital to every organization, including the JIS. Undoubtedly, organizations that build the strongest relationships with their customers will be the most successful in the long term.”
Mr. Gardner, a member of the JIS Management Team and a trained facilitator, also explained that through exceptional customer service, JIS intends to make profitable transactions, build brand loyalty and significantly increase customer referrals.
The training sessions will cover areas such as ‘The Customer and Quality Customer Service’, ‘Attitudes and How They Impact on Customer Service’ and ‘Personal Dimensions Necessary for Quality Customer Service.’ They will be recognized for their participation.

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

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