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More Protection For Cockpit Country

By: , May 7, 2021

The Full Story

The US$49-million ‘Conserving Biodiversity and Reducing Land Degradation Using an Integrated Approach’ project to be undertaken within the Cockpit Country is to commence this year.

The objective of the project is to address the negative impacts of unsustainable development practices by establishing and operationalising a comprehensive landscape approach in the Cockpit Country that harmonises socio-economic development, sustainable management of natural resources and conservation of biodiversity in this mixed-use landscape of Jamaica.

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Hon. Everald Warmington, made the disclosure during his contribution to the 2021/22 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on Wednesday (May 5).

He informed that the project is to be implemented over the next six years, with funding from the Government of Jamaica, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Implementation will be undertaken in association with several ministries, department and agencies; and community-based organisations (CBOs).

In the meantime, Mr. Warmington informed that the Draft Management Plan and Zoning Plan for the Black River Protected Area (BRPA), which were recently completed by the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), are to be finalised with key stakeholders for implementation in 2021/22.

He stressed that partnership will be one of the primary mechanisms to successfully safeguard the BRPA.

“The effective management of this protected area will require a multi-stakeholder and multisectoral approach as well as the active engagement of local communities, resource users, private sector, non-governmental organisations, donors, [and] government bodies at local and national levels, for example [in the] agriculture, fisheries, environment and tourism sectors,” he said.

Mr. Warmington further informed that the first meeting of the management committee has been held and will be one vehicle used to involve stakeholders in the management of the area, with a management plan as a guide.

“This Ministry pledges to lead the charge in ensuring that the BRPA is effectively managed for the people of Jamaica,” he emphasised.

Last Updated: May 7, 2021

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