More Entities Utilising Geospatial Technologies
By: November 19, 2018 ,The Full Story
Caribbean Maritime University (CMU) logistics student, Nahjae Nunes, says more organisations are utilising geospatial technologies to enhance their operations and customer service delivery.
Geospatial technologies are wide-ranging modern tools contributing to the geographic mapping and analysis of the Earth and human societies.
Remote sensing, the global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information systems (GIS) are among the key geospatial technologies used.
Mr. Nunes said entities across all sectors are leveraging the power of geospatial technologies deemed pivotal in driving sales; increasing customer engagement, relationship and service; as also productivity, while improving efficiency.
His remarks were made during a presentation on ‘Geomatics in Online Shopping’ at the Geographic Information System (GIS) Symposium at the CMU, Palisadoes Park, Kingston, on November 16.
Mr. Nunes noted that any organisation can utilise geomatics or geospatial technologies in their operations, adding that these inputs can be incorporated in every entity.
For her part, Senior Geographic Information System (GIS) Manager and Trainer at the National Spatial Data Management Division (NSDMD), Simone Lloyd, said partnerships have been pivotal in heightening students’ awareness of the importance of geospatial technologies.
“Our partnerships with the leading tertiary educational institutions of Jamaica have been strategic and mutually beneficial, as we promote the advancement of geospatial education,” she said.
The symposium formed part of activities marking Geography Awareness Week from November 11 to 17, under the theme ‘Geospatial Technologies: Driving Logistics and Transportation’.
The National Spatial Data Management Division (NSDMD) falls under the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation.